About Us
“Motivation is the catalyzing ingredient for every successful innovation.”
Clayton Christensen, economist and Harvard professor
About Dennis Klemp
Vision2Results Consulting
V2R is a coaching, training and consulting firm who works with a laser focus on helping people gain skills and change behavior. We create results and performance by analyzing and impacting people’s behavior (leading indicators), instead of analyzing data (lagging indicators) that report results.
Experienced in business coaching since
An Execution Company
We cater to companies and sales professionals who seek to increase success by transforming their customer interactions into unique and better buying experiences that compel customers to take action. We become an extension of our client’s team, setting in motion a transformation of sales and coaching execution that leads to sustainable change.
Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom.
Partnerships & Memberships
They Trust Us
More Than 20 Years of Experience.
We create custom tailored sales and customer service training and coaching designed around your business. In our view, one size doesn’t fit all – it has to be relevant to how you do your business and relevant to your customers.
Our classroom experience is high energy, super – engaging, and peppered with real and relevant examples from being out in the real world with your people. We get to know your people, culture, products and challenges because we know your business and your people – inside and out.
We focus on “modifying your culture” to a much more practical, relevant and effective coaching model” to ensure that the behaviors, skills, and habits taught actually carry over and are executed consistently in front of the customer.
We insist on getting crystal clear at the outset on your expectations and on how we’ll together measure success of our collaboration.
We’ve successfully sold, worked, managed and directed sales teams in Fortune 500 companies and bring corporate best practices to your doorstep.